If you’re hiring a new technician you may want to set tasks as part of the application or interview process. This document contains 4 tasks which will demonstrate the candidates competency in several areas.
Tasks include:
A fridge organisation task
Communication task (letter)
Scenario question (what would you do if?)
Create a resource task (classroom sign)
Was used originally for electronic completion but can also be printed and completed too
GCSE Food Preparation & Nutrition Options Evening Powerpoint
WJEC but easily adaptable
Areas covered in powerpoint:
KS3 learning journey recap
What would we learn about?
How am i assessed?
NEA 1 and 2
NEA example work
What does the written exam look like?
Assessment objectives
Where can this course take me?
What would my lessons look like?
What would be required from me?
Course highlights
Further information links
This resource consists of a powerpoint and corresponsing worksheet. This is something that I have used over 2 lessons. Firstly the powerpoint takes students through some popular biscuits, a basic biscuit recipe, some adaptations, guidance for for designing and making. Students can also design and make their own packaging for their cookies.
HEALTHY EATING WEEK- everything you need to launch a whole school approach
This resource pack contains:
-Form time/assembly launch powerpoint of HEW overview, challenges, information
-3 Challenges based on 3 of the HEW key messages (wholegrains, vegetables, drink water)
-Differentiated challenge worksheets for Y7 Y8 Y9:
wholegrains: crossword
water: maths problem and answers
veg: alphabet challenge
Could be used for healthy eating week or could be used in lessons for group challenges etc
This is a retrieval mat for use in any subject. This is a designated resources for students to complete retrieval practice on. I laminate and students use wipeboard pens to fill in their answers. This is a really good low-stakes way of introducing retrieval, because students can wipe off answers.
There is an area for a quick quiz (questions requiring an A,B,C,D type answer or perhaps one word)
Lined ‘paper’ area for slightly longer answers like sentences or phrases
When students have complete the questions I use the thought bubble space for students to think of key words from last lesson
The magnifying glass is there for students to write any questions they would like to ask- this is good for students who often forget their question. This space gives them an opportunity to write it down whilst you are busy doing the register etc.
PDF and Word version
A new addition to the picture guide collection
A nice year 7 or LA Y8 recipe. Completed in 55 minutes and guides students through making mini chicken and vegetable kebabs.
Editable version for ease.
Revision planner from Easter hols until exam week. Revision topic lists template also included.
This is the blank version! Completed version also available- SEE SHOP
Done in POM’s relating to the Pomadoro technique but that title can be changed to ‘session 1, session 2’ etc.
Had great success with this in my school, it’s been rolled out across departments. Great way to interleave and space revision whilst ensuring eveyr topic is covered.